
Catharine MacTavish

Night Shift lithograph by Catharine MacTavish (1979) 

Catharine made this series of prints (if I remember this correctly) while working as a night clerk in a hospital. In an e-mail she wrote to me:

The drawing was one of many experiments investigating what adults mean by "selfless". This series was very deluded! while being unimpeachable as a baby step towards an insightful and empowering comprehension of "selflessness".

The notion that a room can appear in the absence of a sentient inhabitant, if only a fly, is mistaken, crumbles under scrutiny, and is a pillar of endless trouble. It's a trap, so the door out is a door in.

It's an untested premise harboured by many, and they remain in the trap, which is yes cyclic, circular, tubular 

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